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Privacy Policy

Forma House (Zuperzozial UK) take a responsible approach to protecting data and never pass user details on to third parties. From time to time, we may update you on special offers via email, but we always issue an opt out button if you wish to cancel this service.

Our servers (like most) track IP addresses and referring pages to help with site maintenance and improvements. This data is viewed only as anonymous statistics, to show the busiest times of the day or week, pages with errors and how effective our advertising has been. This information is not used for any other purpose.

With the exception of credit card info, we store the information from your order for customer services purposes only. You may completely remove this data from our system by e-mailing us at info@formahouse.co.uk with your request. We do not store any type of credit card information. All payments are processed by SagePay and Barclaycard as per standard security UK banking practices.

Forma House Ltd work in accordance with the UK DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998.